Saturday, April 14, 2012

Art therapy

tonight tasia and i decided to paint. we've painted a ton since being on this journey. i think painting and just art in general is soothing to the soul. i am by no means an artist but i think it's theraputic.
tasia's picture reminds me of the tree we wear around our necks. the tree that is planted by streams of water, bearing fruit each season. the leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
it's a happy tree.
tasia's picture.

my picture is for the little girl that we had dinner with tonight. she is around 6 years old and has cancer. she has only about a tenth of her hair and the hair she has is long. she is here with her daddy. everytime she walks by me she brushes her hands down my arms and smiles. her neck has burns from all of the radiation. my heart is crying out for a blanket of healing power to be released on her little body. my heart aches for what she's been through and what she still has to go through.
but i know that there is hope.

my picture.
