Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 9 - Part two

Sigh... Today was a little rough. Tasia had to go back to clinic today to get another blood draw, chest x-ray and also have her final meeting with the surgeon.  The blood draw was extra traumatic this time and that is never fun.  The girl has had to many pokes in her life. The meeting with the surgeon was not the fun kind. He did his doctorly duty to paint the worst case scenerio of recovery so that we wouldn't put too much expectation on her for recovery.  I sat there thinking that he is going to be so surprised when he see's how remarkable her recovery is.  She has ALWAYS amazed the medical world with her recoveries. Then we had to come straight home (hotel) and start her internal cleansing drink.  64 oz of gatorde (3 big bottles)  with an entire 8.3 bottle of laxative plus extra laxatives in pill form. We prayed before she even started because we knew this could be rough.  She had so much pain and she even said it hurt her pancreas.  It broke our hearts as she cried and cried and begged for it to stop. She even refused to continue to drink the drink and cried that she wanted to go home. Talk about hard...  But then, she dug her heels in and just surprised us and chugged it down.  And she may have had some last day before surgery shopping incentive given by Nana.  You wouldn't believe what a girl will do to shop. She's a girl after my own heart - hee hee. 

Tomorrow is the day before surgery and she has no appointments except with a shower and a bottle of anticeptic soap. We thought it would be fun to go out to the Mall of America and walk around and go to their acquarium.  Some happy before the tough stuff starts. 

I just paused in typing this blog post because she crawled up in my lap and wanted to be held.  She's almost 10 years old but she's still my baby and needs her mama.  During these last few days I have taken notice and drank in every moment I possibly could. I just kissed her soft cheeks and remembered kissing those same cheeks when she was just a little baby. I watch her rush down the hotel hallway to beat me to our hotel door and just smile and she runs and squeals because I know there will be a lack of running and squealing for a little while.  But I am ready to put those moment on hold for a brief time so that we can have a lifetime of those moments.  She is such an amazing child and I am so very honored to be her mama. 

Everyday I tell her that we are on an adventure and she is the hero of the story.  I tell her that she is on her way to a very happy land where pain is not aloud. We talk about all the lovely people that the hero meets in her adventure and how they all love her and care for her along the way (those people are you, dear readers), I tell her that all hero's have to go through the woods sometimes and those woods can feel dark and sometimes scary. I explain that sometimes a hero needs to cling to her fairy god mother (which is me) and she will lead you out of the woods and direct you to the happy land of no pain again and better than any wizard that Dorthy may have had, she has Jesus and He is more powerful that any wizard.  We will make it through this adventure and Tasia is just the right hero for the story.
