If you want strong, healthy kids consider feeding them more than just organic, healthy food. Consider feeding them the Word of God.
He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds. (Psalm 107:20, 21 NIV)
We have started memorizing 2 scriptures a week with the kids as a family and keeping a journal of what they've learned. We have their scripture on the fridge, on the mirror in chalk pen and on the dining room table to chat about during dinner time. Why? Because this WORD will be life to their bones and a lifeline in the very darkest times of trouble that we all know life does bring. I want my kids to be equipped to WIN because they know who they are in Christ Jesus! #kids #raisingafamily #familylifeinchrist #wordindarknessout