Thursday, December 12, 2013

I read a line today “What was intended to tear you apart, God intends it to set you apart.
What has torn you, God makes a thin place to see glory.” -Ann Voskamp 

Oh I love that! So true!! We all have had deep hurts in our lives that seem a
t times too much to carry, but God never meant for us to carry them because he sent his Son to carry our burdens for us. And those delicate places in our hearts that we are left with that feel so fragile, should not necessarily be looked at like scars but as little places for God's infinite mercy and grace to shine through our lives. In our greatest trials He demonstrates his greatest miracles. Through our deepest heartache he wraps us in his never ending love that our earthly minds cannot begin to comprehend. In our greatest disappointment Jesus stands at the open tomb and says, I am your greatest victory!
Don't over bandage and cover up what what feels like a scar or injury in your heart that is actually His glory trying to shine through.

(img via weheartit)