Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nothing is impossible

At the live recordings of the "This is Our God" album, Michael Gugliemucci, who has battled his own health crisis against cancer for two years, walked confidently on stage, with his oxygen tank in hand, declaring the promise of God from Isaiah 53, and boldly singing the words to his song 'Healer'.
If there is one thing I long for it's to sing of our Saviors love.  Nothing has blessed my life more than His healing power poured out on my sweet baby girl.  He's delivered her from a life threatening illness and taken us from the valley and placed us on mountaintops. 
 Nothing is impossible. 
I hope that the one thing that is apparent on this little blog of mine in the midst of all the goofiness, fashion, cooking and fun - is that Jesus is my EVERYTHING and without Him, I would be nothing.
And with Him I am a 
And because of Him I have life everlasting, a husband that I cherish and children that melt my heart just by laughing.  And even beyond those lovely things - he has poured out many, many miracles in our lives and for those and many more.
Father, I am grateful.
Faithfully HIS